23 - 25 october 2024

TIS2024 Press Registration

Passes Pass Selection

Visitor Visitor information 0/0

Company Company information

Personal Data


Title *
Name *
Surname *
Country *
Province / State *
Province / State *
City *
City *
Mobile *
E-mail address *
E-mail address confirmation *
Document Number *
Date of birth *
Twitter account
Linkedin account
Do you require a visa to enter Spain and require a supporting letter to support your application?
Document type


Gender *
Full name as shown on ID/passport *
Date of birth *
Place of birth *
Nationality *
Document Number *
Place of Issue *
Date of Issue *
Date of Expiry *

Passes Pass Selection

Visitor Visitor information 0/0

Company Company information

Professional data


Job Position *
Media name *
Street Address *
Zip code *
Country *
City *
Media Web page *
To check the veracity of your data, please attach a link to some recent work signed by you *
Coverage plan at Tourism Innovation Summit *

Passes Pass Selection

Visitor Visitor information 0/0

Company Company information

Experience TIS – Tourism Innovation Summit 2024 to the fullest by connecting with top leaders that will help you innovate and take your travel business or destination to the next level.

With TIS Connect, you can request meetings and plan your visit easily in advance. With this tool, you can search specifically for those innovators you are looking for and request a meeting during TIS2024. All you have to do is accept you want to be part of TIS Connect matchmaking tool and start arranging meetings. (TIS Connect will be available from 1st October onwards)

Don’t miss this opportunity to improve your networking experience at TIS2024!


Your tickets

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